Clear Filters: Extra Protection For Your Lenses

It’s always a nervous moment when you drop a lens. Whether you own or rent you never want to see nice glass get damaged.

But we understand that sometimes these things happen.

We recently had a lens come back in from a rental job and the client was sorry to report that the lens had been dropped.

However, luckily the only damage to the lens was a pretty nasty crack to the clear UV filter that was on the lens.

Broken Lens UV Filter

As you can see from the pictures that filter is straight into the bin after that fall, but it could have been the front element of the lens and not just filter that was cracked.

This is a great reminder that we always recommend putting a clear UV filter on your lenses to protect from any unfortunate mishaps. Which can turn a $3,000 mistake into just a $50 mistake and give you some peace of mind.

New Yophy Clear UV Filter

We stock a wide range of filters in our sales department including the Yophy Circular Screw In UV filters in most standard sizes. If you need filters in any other sizes get in touch and we will be able to help sources those too.

Range of Yophy Screw In Filters

Yophy offer great high quality cinema filters in a range of styles and we have a number of their FX filters in our rental department including confetti, streak and black mist filters.

Yophy FX Filters - Black Mist in Arri Matte Box

Whatever your filter needs we can help you out - contact us today!
